January 31st
Weekend 2025
Saratoga State Park, NY.
3 Days of Outdoor
Hockey with Friends.
January 31 - FEB 2, 2025.
Hockey the way it’s supposed to be played: Outdoors, rink side fire pits, cold beers, in front of family and friends. Re-branded for 2025, as the Jerry Kemp Pro Shop Classic, the event will honor Kemp, a regional hockey ICON, Clarkson University and AHL standout who recently passed (LINK shortly). The last version of this event (same location / Saratoga State Park)
saw 900+ players, skating on 10 sheets of Ice, on 100 + teams, 350 + games played within 2 divisions over 3 days as regional teams from neighboring states came in for this co-ed experience.
Enter your TEAM or jump in as a FREE AGENT. Register now as this event is being capped at 75 teams within 2 divisions. We look forward to seeing returning players, new teams and family spectators under the Pines all for the love of the Game.
Registration is O P E N. All Skill Levels.
DATES: January 31 Weekend 2025
(Back up date: Feb 7-9).
Saratoga State Park, Saratoga NY.
4 ON 4 Round Robin Playoffs. Skaters: 6 - 8 /
No Goalies. TWO - 22 Minute halves.
Teams assured FOUR games between Friday mid day and Saturday night, with Qualifying teams skating Sunday playoffs.
Tournament game results will be linked here online and quickly updated.
Technical game rules will link here later.
GAME SCHEDULING: Friday 1pm - 10pm. Saturday 8am - 10pm. Sunday 8am - 3pm.
Games start every hour - top of the hour - all weekend. Teams play 2 Friday games and 2 Saturday.
2 DIVISIONS: SILVER Competitive (the majority of your team is made up of players w/
minimum of high school experience).
BRONZE Recreational (the majority of your team has never played organized league hockey), We know a lot of you 😄 we may alter your desired bracket if you guys try dropping down to beginner when you skated in college or Juniors 😄
Skaters must be Age 18 ➕
TEAM FEE: $1,050. Based on an 8 player
roster / $132 per skater 👍
FREE AGENTS: $180. Teams must be signed up in FULL by a designated Team Captain.
SIGN UP LINK BELOW w/credit/debit cards and Venmo. (@SkateKing). Teams who SIGN UP FIRST WILL get priority game times to fit their roster needs as compared to having them randomly drawn by computer.

Text Registration Questions: