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Bauer M5pro SZ (tbd/with foot trace).

w/ 2 sets sets of LS Pulse Chrome steel

& both ProFiled to player specs.

1,029 value ➡️ discounted To 569.99


Final price at checkout is based on customer returning the traded-in CCM ASV580 skate 8EE along with black 271sz Step steel. (Customer ships by UPS).

Customer gets additional $133.00 ⚠️

ProShop GIFTCARD emailed (within 45 days of their checkout).

SHIPS: within 5 days of skate trade In arriving. ⚠️ FitSatisfaction valid for 5 months for full exchange IF necessary.👍

Total Player Satisfaction!

TEXT 🅰️ PRO. 917-687-2289.

Skate sale / Don Barnes

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