Blade ProFiling is technical : before passing off your players skates and steels to a Rookie whose hoping to “Sell you Pr⭕️Filing” because they just purchased a machine that has Pr⭕️Filing features, make sure you connect with a Legit Pro who has done thousands of sets. Very few of us remain.
While I receive thousands of video texts from hockey parents nationally of their players on the ice, knowing exactly what type of "ProFile Re-set" (PRS) is best for your advancing player depends on technical info but also the level / type of skate quality they currently wear - it's not just about switching skate steel. My own advancing player (10U), is one of very few skating on a 7/8 hollow with an 8 ft off-center ProFile that has him holding superior edge - which is mostly due to his PRS. Very few youth players are skating 7/8 -1 inch hollow. At SkateBladz, your player gets cut with equal accuracy. No selling you on certain machines and BS marketing hoping a machine type impresses you. I know the game, have skated with the best & I also operate 7 machine types (4 of them cut the exact profile specs). And we use NON automated machines to finish your PRS which is why our sharpening edge retention is so dominant. We help you weed out mis-info on Skate ProFiling within 90 seconds (quicker than your kids last shift where you saw he wasn’t cutting the ice like he could have been). Thousands are skating the best Edges in Hockey, all which pass thru my hands. Not sure of such a bold statement? …you'll either keep your player skating on stock steels and that “adequate at best” sharpening they've grown accustom to, or you'll Text A Pro. I'm a Zillion and a half sets of steel IN here, after 26 years of cutting Pr⭕️Files. You’re Up NEXT👍 UnDisputed 5 Star Results.
Thank you All, JAY.